Empowering Communities

We, the Brothers of St. John of God, are called to witness to the people of God by our charism of hospitality, through a community of faith and a compassionate service to God’s sick and poor. The Order is assisting more people worldwide today than ever before in its 500-year history. However, we recognise that we cannot handle this responsibility alone.
The St. John of God family is a diverse one, encompassing Brothers, coworkers, service users and their families, volunteers, benefactors, and friends of the Order. What unifies this family and fuels our commitment to continue the work initiated by St. John of God, is his vision of providing healing, care, and hospitality to those in need.
Your direct donations and the gift of prayer actively support and participate in our ministry. You are an integral part of the St. John of God family.
We extend an invitation to you to walk closely with us and share in our mission. Please return and visit us often.
Giving Programs
We ask each of you to pray for the needs of our community, the special intentions of our brothers, the needs of those entrusted to our care and for an increase of vocations.
Remembering the Hospitaller Order of St. John of God in your will, is a noble act that allows you to leave a lasting impact. By doing so, you contribute to ensuring that the services provided to the sick, the disabled, the poor and the homeless will continue for generations to come, without depleting your own resources.
You may name the Hospitaller Order of St. John of God as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy, a retirement fund, IRA, RRSP, a savings account, or a Certificate of Deposit.
Trusts and annuities offer a means of making a gift to the brothers while retaining a life income. Along with generous federal tax benefits, there are corresponding restrictions. A personal attorney or tax consultant should be contacted to determine the best plan for you.
Donations can be made to The Province of the Good Shepherd in North America to honor or remember a loved one.
These gifts can be used immediately and provide a tax savings to you.
Gifts of stock or securities which have risen in value since their purchase make attractive gift vehicles.
All contributions are tax deductible as provided by law.